About our Materials - Parents, caregivers, and teachers are children’s primary sources for learning. Children learn about the world from us. Through our reactions and guidance, we teach children how to react to the world around them and to life’s circumstances. Through these books and activities, you will gain an understanding of what a child may feel in a crisis or catastrophic event and how to help them. Our earthquake safety tools prepare you and your child for both their physical safety & emotional well-being in the event of an earthquake.
Self-help crisis coping tools will help you guide children through stressful life-changing events, disasters, behavioral and emotional challenges, and more. These tools provide the essential information, materials, and activities necessary to help children cope with their emotions, sudden loss, change, or other traumas. Through these tools, parents and adults will be able to help children process what happened and address their worries and fears in a healthy and effective approach.
Hard Copy: When The Ground Shakes
"When The Ground Shakes" is a children's book that teaches children relaxation and safety techniques in the event of an earthquake. This earthquake book guides a child & tells them what to do in a fun and effective way that's both enjoyable and educational for children!
WorkBook: When The Ground Shakes
This children's workbook is a supplement to the book When The Ground Shakes.
Children learn about the world from their parents, teachers, and caregivers. It is through adult actions and examples that we teach them how to react to various circumstances in life. In order to best help our children, we need to understand the range of reactions they may have to certain traumas and events, and how to best cope with those responses.
During a crisis or disaster, children will all experience different emotional reactions, ranging from minor to severe. Our mission and hope is that through these activities you will gain an understanding of how a child may feel in a crisis or catastrophic event. Through this empathetic process, you will learn how to help your child/student best cope under stressful circumstances.
Japanese Hard Copy: When The Ground Shakes
"When The Ground Shakes" is a children's book that teaches children relaxation and safety techniques in the event of an earthquake. This earthquake book guides a child & tells them what to do in a fun and effective way that's both enjoyable and educational for children!
Japanese WorkBook: When The Ground Shakes
This children's workbook is a supplement to the book When The Ground Shakes.
Children learn about the world from their parents, teachers, and caregivers. It is through adult actions and examples that we teach them how to react to various circumstances in life. In order to best help our children, we need to understand the range of reactions they may have to certain traumas and events, and how to best cope with those responses.
During a crisis or disaster, children will all experience different emotional reactions, ranging from minor to severe. Our mission and hope is that through these activities you will gain an understanding of how a child may feel in a crisis or catastrophic event. Through this empathetic process, you will learn how to help your child/student best cope under stressful circumstances.
Workbook: My Parents are Divorcing
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