Screening young children is an effective, efficient way for parents and professionals to catch problems and start treatment during the crucial early years when the child’s brain and body are developing rapidly. It is a brief non-diagnostic strength-focused tool, so it can’t diagnose a disability. It can help determine if your child needs further assessment or support in one or more areas. Because developmental and social-emotional delays can be subtle and can occur in children who appear to be developing typically, most children who would benefit from early intervention are not identified until after they start school. Prior to starting kindergarten, routine screening can have a huge difference in your child's academic and social well being.
What is ASQ-3?
A developmental screening for children 1 month to 5 1/2 years old that covers 5 different areas such as communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social. Used to accurately identify children who may be at risk for developmental delays.

What is ASQ-SE?
Social-emotional (ASQ: SE) screening for children from three months to 6 years old covers 7 areas self-regulation, compliance, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. Highly reliable and valid, while looking at strengths and areas of concern. Educates parents about developmental milestones while incorporating their expert knowledge of their children.